Sunday, August 30, 2009

Halfway There

Last week marked the halfway point in the chemo/radiation treatment. The first 3 weeks went better than expected. Looking at Jill you would never know that she was undergoing chemo therapy combined with radiation. The doctor gave Jill permission to run if her energy level allowed. Yesterday the four of us did a running lap around the local park with no headaches. Amazing!
Jill's sister, Kim showed up for the next two weeks. This weekend marks the first time that all three Camirand Kids spent the entire weekend alone with no adult supervision. No one was hurt and I convinced Steve that a bedsheet will not act as a parachute off the roof.
We continue to be amazed by all the love and support our friends and family are giving us.


  1. The time is flying by so fast, I can't believe it. You two have probably had more visitors in your home in the past month than in the entire rest of the time you've lived there, including everyone stopping by with dinners and to help out with various things. The support is fantastic. Enjoy your time while it lasts tumor, because your days are numbered as Jill slowly whoops your ass.


  2. Running!!?! That's terrific! I'm certain the oncologist hasn't been asked to clear very many patients for that request. You've had three full weeks of success. Kudos to you!

    We are thinking of you!
    Jan and Jose

  3. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Sounds like Jill could be a "poster figure" for positive thought and prayer! Wonderful to see sibling picture.

    Linda and Dixon McElwee

  4. Another beautiful week end in Flag. I'm sure that the beautiful scenery and frech air proved a great tonic for you both. Jill, I'm sure that you can run farther now than I can even after your two surgeries, chemo, and radiation therapy. What an amazing lady. I am going to try to turn up the speed on the treadmill at the gym on Wednesday. If you would like a little something different, I am including the link to my daughter's blog in Paris, where she is spending her Junior year abroad. It is
    I hope that you enjoy it and keep up the great work.

  5. Obviously, I need a new editor!!!!!!!!!!!!
    or proofreader---maybe I should call Frank.

  6. well i continue to be amazed by how positive and loving your updates are! next time you think you might jog the local park, give me a shout, mckenna and i would love to join you.

  7. keep the good news coming this way and we'll keep sending the good vibes yours!
